Home » Research and Development » Hydropower Technology » Rotor Dynamics » Development of components for increased damping in hydropower units


Jan 2023

Dec 2024


Development of components for increased damping in hydropower units

This project is a continuation of a previous SVC project with the same title. In this continuation the developed bearing will be further optimised and validate their effectiveness.

Damping in hydropower units is normally too low which leads to vibrations and in some cases breakdowns. Optimised bearing and external components can increase the stability of the rotor system. The project aims to develop a simpler measuring technique to evaluate dynamical properties along with testing of the previously developed squeeze film bearing. Finally the project aim to analyse a technique used by Vattenfall to increase damping by staggered bearing halves.


Jan-Olov Aidanpää

Research Area Responsible

Luleå University of Technology
