Place: Teams
Time: 12:00-13:00
Advancing River Management for Biodiversity: Exploring the inSALMO Model for Salmonids

Welcome to the first lunch webinar for 2025. John Piccolo from Karlstad University will present a project on developing individual-based models (IBM) to assess how to conserve fish populations while maintaining hydropower production. Johnny Norrgård, CEO at Gammelkroppa Lax, will ask questions to John from the industry's perspective.
This project, led by John Piccolo, will create the largest individual-based model (IBM) for salmonids to date.
It aims to improve our understanding of how fish populations interact with their environment. The project will study how different river flow patterns and habitat restoration affect fish biodiversity. Since field studies in large rivers are difficult, ecological modeling provides a cost-effective way to predict outcomes and support better management decisions.
The results will help hydropower managers balance fish conservation with energy production. As hydropower becomes more important for a fossil-free future, this project will provide tools for sustainable river management and help prevent biodiversity loss.
Building on the success of inSTREAM, an IBM for salmonids, the focus will shift to inSALMO, a version designed for migratory fish in large regulated rivers. The model will be tested in the Gullspångs River, using salmon and trout as the main species.
Hear John Piccolo talk more about the project in the webinar on the 28th of February.
The webinar is free of cost.
28th of February, 12:00–13:00.
This webinar will be held in English.
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