Home » Research and Development » Hydropower Technology » Rotor Dynamics » Synthesis of research on lifetime assessment of hydropower units


Jan 2023

Dec 2023


Synthesis of research on lifetime assessment of hydropower units

In this project, researchers will define the state of the art, development needs, and plan to direct ongoing and new research to enable lifetime assessment of hydropower units and their components.

Within the SVC several projects are presently and have previously added to the knowledge regarding hydrodynamic and electromagnetic loads. More knowledge is however needed to know how these loads are distributed throughout the structure towards the concrete foundations during different operating conditions. In addition, there is a need to synchronize these projects to facilitate lifetime assessments and to define experimental and prototype measurements to get deeper insights of the loads. In this project, state of the art in lifetime assessment in hydropower units will be evaluated together with a synthesis of the development made in SVC.


Jan-Olov Aidanpää

Research Area Responsible

Luleå University of Technology
