Home » Events » Lunchwebbinarium 2024
26/01 31/12


Place: Teams

Time: 12:00–13:00


Lunchwebbinarium 2024

In 2024, the Swedish Centre for Sustainable Hydropower will organise recurring digital lunch webinars on the last Friday of each month. In each webinar, two to three projects will be presented. An industry representative will participate and ask questions to the researchers at the end of the webinar, to put the results in context for industry. All webinars in the series are free of charge. All webinars are recorded.

All recordings from this year’s webinars will be uploaded here

26 April: Ecohydraulics – Multidisciplinary research with modern computational tools and measurement methods. Anders Andersson, Luleå University of Technology. https://youtu.be/Yvl8pfrTJdY 23 February: Automated monitoring and AI-driven lifetime improvement of hydropower plants. Lars-Johan Sandström, Luleå University of Technology, Saeed Salehi, Chalmers University of Technology and Jonas Carlsson, Uniper. https://youtu.be/H1jrsjoJzKI 31 May: Mechanical modelling and dynamics of generators in hydropower units. Jan-Olov Aidanpää from Luleå University of Technology and Rolf Gustavsson from Vattenfall. https://youtu.be/EvO0lI9O3Yg 30 August: Increased discharge safety and photogrammetry for flow measurement. James Yang, KTH/Vattenfall, Hang Trieu from Luleå University of Technology and Carl-Oscar Nilsson from Uniper. https://youtu.be/BIwoYywoC4M  

Info about the webinars

No registration is required. The same Team Link (note: new link) applies to all webinars in this series. Before each webinar, we will send out the link as a reminder, please subscribe to our newsletter to not miss any important announcements.

Calendar for 2024

See all lunch webinars throughout the year here: Webinar series SVC 2024.

Webinars from 2023

To view the recordings of the 2023 lunch webinars, click here.