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Our Privacy Policy

SVC and Energiforsk take your privacy seriously. As a data controller, we are obliged to ensure that all processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with applicable data protection rules. Our goal is for you to feel safe when you provide us with personal data. Below is a description of what personal data Energiforsk processes, for what purpose and what rights you have as a data subject.

What is personal data? Personal data is any information that can directly or indirectly identify a person. Examples include name, social security number, telephone and address data, but also an email address, an IP address, an audio recording or a photograph. Any action taken with personal data constitutes a processing operation, whether or not it is carried out by automated means. Examples of common processing operations are collection, recording, and storage. Who is responsible for the personal data we process? The company Energiforsk AB, organisation number 556974-2116, with postal address: 101 53 Stockholm, is the data controller for the processing of personal data. The purpose of processing personal data The personal data we process is used to manage your participation in conferences and other events and to send out newsletters and other information related to research activities. Why do we process personal data? Energiforsk processes personal data when you:

  • are a member of one of the SVC’s councils, working groups, networks or other permanent or temporary groupings,
  • register to participate in conferences, webinars, or other events organised by the SVC,
  • order publications,
  • sign up for newsletters or similar,
  • respond to surveys,
  • appear in photographs or on video taken at SVC events,
  • seek contact with us in other ways, for example by email or telephone.

Legal basis for processing personal data Energiforsk primarily refers to legitimate interest for processing personal data and, where applicable, also to contract, legal obligation, or consent. What personal data do we collect? The data we normally process are name, email address, company affiliation, organisational role, areas of interest, and work group affiliation. Who else might we share personal data with? When personal data is processed by Energiforsk in any of the situations listed above, personal data may be disclosed to third parties, i.e. to persons or companies outside Energiforsk, to the extent necessary to administer or fulfil the assignment. In most of the above situations, Energiforsk is the data controller and the suppliers that Energiforsk uses and where personal data is processed are data processors. The processors are obliged to follow Energiforsk’s instructions and are not authorised to disclose your personal data to anyone else or to use it for purposes other than those covered by Energiforsk’s instructions. Data processors are also obliged to take certain technical and organisational measures to protect your personal data. Finally, personal data may also be disclosed in the event that it is required by law, regulation, or government decision (legal obligation). What happens to my personal data when I attend a conference or other event? When you register for a conference, you enter into an agreement. Energiforsk collects the personal data that is necessary for you to be able to participate in the conference and receive information related to the activity, and for us to be able to provide and administer the course or conference and charge the person who is to pay for the course or conference. Your personal data may be shared with other participants, lecturers, and other organisations attending the same course or conference as you. Energiforsk transfers personal data in the form of names, organisation, accommodation, and transport to external partners, lecturers/teachers, training providers, exhibitors or those who provide premises or food. We retain your personal data for as long as it is necessary for us to fulfil our commitment, for example to organise a conference. We have routines for deletion to ensure that we comply with applicable legislation. Contact If you have any questions about the processing of personal data within Energiforsk, please contact kontakt@energiforsk.seData access request and corrections You have the right to receive information free of charge about what personal data about you is processed by Energiforsk. In such cases, you must request this in writing to Energiforsk via email, kontakt@energiforsk.se. If you believe that information about you is incorrect or misleading, or if you wish to have it removed from mailing lists, for example, you can also contact us and request a change.