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Hydropower Technology

The ongoing transformation of hydropower’s role in the energy system, which is requiring a more flexible production, affects the turbines and generators in ways not entirely known today. It is of great importance to gain knowledge in this area to ensure that hydropower can maintain and strengthen its role as the enabler of creating a sustainable and fossil free energy landscape as well as being a reliable supplier of energy and power.

This work package will focus on the following themes:

  • Sustainable and cost-effective methods to maintain and improve reliability of production units regardless of increase in operational stress.
  • Improved knowledge and methods to assess current state of turbines and generators to minimize down time and support decision making concerning predictive maintenance.
  • Develop methods to assess loads, wear, and fatigue on equipment and constructions from changing operational patterns and investigation of innovative ways to mitigate these negative effects while maintaining a safe and effective production.
  • Environmental aspects of bearings with environmentally friendly lubricants.
  • New and higher demands on operational conditions (primary and secondary frequency response, such as FCR-N) based on new requirements should be investigated from a perspective of mechanical degradation as this could limit development of the network grid performance.

These themes will be further explored within the four thematic areas of the work package.

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Emma Hagner

Hydropower Technology

08-677 27 53
