Hem » Forskning » Turbiner och generatorer » Strömningsmekanik – experimentellt » PIV measurements on a model turbine during detrimental operational conditions


jan 2023

dec 2024


PIV measurements on a model turbine during detrimental operational conditions

In this project the researchers will perform and evaluate PIV and pressure measurements on the Porjus U9 model at the Vattenfall laboratory under detrimental operational conditions such as speed-no-load and part load.

Hydraulic turbines are subject to increasing start/stop and load variations mainly due to the introduction of wind power and the deregulation of the electricity market in Sweden. Therefore, peak load hydroelectric units should operate from minimum to maximum power production and may also have frequent start-stop cycles, including transient loading. One start-stop may reduce the service period of a runner by about 15 hours and put the additional cost of break-down to the power plant owner. Therefore, the start-stop and load variations will be given more attention in this project as they cause heavy cyclic stresses and high cycle fatigue on the turbines.


Michel Cervantes

Ansvarig verksamhetsområde




Nahale Sotoudeh

Doktorand, Luleå tekniska universitet
