Hem » Forskning » Vattenbyggnad » Geoteknik – fyllningsdammar » DCIP tomography for embankment dam monitoring


jan 2023

dec 2023


DCIP tomography for embankment dam monitoring

Internal erosion, along with overtopping, are the most common causes of stability problems in embankment dams. The objective of this project is to develop technology for monitoring the core of embankment dams so that internal erosion and abnormal leaks can be detected at early stages and remedied in a timely manner.

Majority of Swedish dams are 50‐100 years old, with a median age of around 60 years. Internal erosion takes place inside the dam and is often difficult or impossible to detect before it has progressed to the point where sinkholes appear on the dam. The results from previous work, as well as the pre‐study and preliminary measurement results from Älvkarleby, highlight that high data quality is needed to be able to detect the type of damage sought. However, it has recently been shown that it is possible to calculate the hydraulic permeability based on spectral IP data measured in the time domain, DCIP data, which should be relevant for fill dams.

The specific purpose is to optimise the information content of measurement data for DCIP (Direct Currrent resistivity and time‐domain Induced Polarization) tomography to increase the detection capability and to enable in‐depth analysis and interpretation of the data. The goal is to adapt and develop measurement methodology and measurement technology for geoelectrical monitoring of fill dams with DCIP tomography, with improved data quality and quantification.


Torleif Dahlin


Lunds Tekniska Högskola
