Konferens: Svenskt centrum för hållbar vattenkraft
Plats: Luleå
Tid: 12:30-16:00
Hydropower R&D days 2023

What is “Sustainable Hydropower” and what role does Hydropower play in the energy transition towards a fossil free society? Those are some of the topics that will be addressed on the Hydropower R&D days in Luleå 23-24 March 2023.
SVC – Swedish Centre for Sustainable Hydropower arranges the Hydropower Research and Development Days 2023 in Luleå. The theme of the conference is Sustainable Hydropower.
SVC has expanded with a new Work Package: Environment and Society, in addition to the two previous Work Packages: Civil and Hydraulic engineering, and Hydropower Technology. The Hydropower R&D Days 2023 marks the start of the phase of the new competence center that will go on until 2027.
The first day of the conference focuses on the research environments within SVC. Our senior researchers will present a review of the research that has been carried out and address future challenges.
The second day of the conference will put Hydropower in its context with national and international outlooks. The Scientific Advisory Board will be presented and participate in a panel discussion on the topic: “Sustainable Hydropower – what is it?”. Ongoing research within SVC is presented during a poster session and there will also be a study visit in the laboratory facilities at LTU.
Do not miss this opportunity to catch up on the latest research together with colleagues from the Hydropower industry!
Luleå tekniska universitet, Hörsal B192, Regnbågsallén B10
Free for members in SVC
1100 SEK ex tax for non members
Conference dinner
500 SEK ex tax for all participants
For information about this event please contact Carolina Holmberg.
Please, register before March 9.