Konferens: Svenskt centrum för hållbar vattenkraft
Plats: Umeå
Tid: 10:00–14:30
Hydropower R&D days 2024

What is the latest in Swedish hydropower research and how do we obtain knowledge and results in the best way? On April 23 and 24, the Swedish Center for Sustainable Hydropower is organising its annual R&D days in Umeå.
Sustainable, safe and optimized hydropower are some of the most important factors in Sweden’s transition to a sustainable energy system.
SVC – Swedish Center for Sustainable Hydropower is anchored in the latest technical and environmental research with participation from seven different universities as well as stakeholders from industry and government authorities. The center began its work in the fall of 2022 and is a continuation and further development of the Swedish Hydropower Center which started back in 2006.
Register to learn more about our research projects and meet the center’s researchers to discuss new results and future research. See the right column to get to the program.
Speaker presentations
Roland Jansson
Marcus Martinsson
Richard Scharff
Maria Bartsch och Emma Wikner
Lars-Johan Sandström
Jan Laue
Frida Niemi
Danilo Laban
Birgitta M Renöfält
Andreas Frid
No charge for those who are:
• Steering group member
• Program council member
• Project member
The cost is SEK 1,500 for others.
Dinner participation costs SEK 500 for all.
All costs are exclusive of VAT.
23-24 April 2024.
The R&D days take place at Umeå University.
Dinner takes place at restaurant Harriets, Stora salen. Address: Västra Norrlandsgatan 5, 903 27 Umeå.
Click here to view the program.
Registration is now closed.